Dalton International


Dalton International was initiator of the founding of the Dalton Associations in: Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland.

Only when Dalton conferences in these countries are organized in cooperation with 'Dalton International', they will be announced as 'International Dalton Conference' with the logo of Dalton International.

Dalton International founded the 'Chinese Department of Dalton International'

"Liyang Zhongji Education" , is the institute which is formally responsible for the development of Dalton Education in Greater China in cooperation with 'Dalton International'.

Dalton International founded the 'German Department of Dalton International' in close cooperation with the  'Staatliche Dalton Grundschule' in Ammern.

Dalton International founded the 'Turkish Department of Dalton International' in close cooperation with the 'Dalton School Izmir'

Dalton International is cooperating with 'Ascham' , the Dalton school in Sydney - Australia

The Dutch Dalton Association (Nederlandse Dalton Vereniging) is the oldest Dalton Association in the world and is cooperating with Dalton International.

The Slovak Dalton Association is not active nowadays,

Presidents of the official Dalton Associations

Simone Reichenberger

Dalton Austria

Roman Tlustoš

Czech Dalton

Wilfried Bock

Dalton Germany

Elvira van den Hoek

Dalton the Netherlands

Dalton International is cooperating with the following institutes. The logos and the website addresses can be found below.