World’s Children’s Day celebrated by the whole community of Dalton International
On 20 November we have warmly welcomed the Dalton International community from all over the world to celebrate together the World’s Children’s Day. It was wonderful to see you all!
The goal of the third Dalton International Café was to discuss and analyse a planned approach to wellbeing using evidenced-based strategies. These include strengthening student’s cognitive, physical, social, emotional and spiritual well-being domains of the development. During our global meeting we have discussed together the ways of achieving this through planning and decision-making to meet the needs of the students.
With this today’s meeting we hope to inspire all Dalton Participants to praise your daily Dalton work, and to return to your today’s activities with renewed energy and vigour.
As with all international gatherings both online and in- person, we had today the unique opportunity to connect with each other and share our common Dalton experience both in theory and practice.
Hope to see you all in spring during our next Dalton Café!

Dalton Café on well being
Join us for the Dalton International Café Online and discover the theoretical and practical ways of adapting well-being in International Dalton Schools across the world. In the program, among others:
What is well being and why schools should focus on well-being?
How to adopt a whole-school approach?
How to establish a dedicated leadership team to drive implementation?
How to prepare the school and staff early?
How to provide meaningful engagement with Families?
How to focus on interventions with evidence of effectiveness?
What is the impact of inclusive education on motivation, self-reliance and well-being?
Our honourable speakers will present the above issues from both theoretical and practical perspectives.
Our this year’s café guests are:
ü Jahirul Mullick is a director of LEAD research institute and a Professor at Wenzhou Kean University, his specialty is inclusive education and educational leadership;
ü Rene Berends, board member of Dalton International, researcher at Saxion University of Applied Science in The Netherlands, chief editor of Dalton Visie, the Dalton magazine in The Netherlands;
ü Estera Szpuntowicz, deputy head and speech therapist at International Dalton Preschool in Koszalin, Poland. The school has been certified as International Dalton School by Dalton International since 2018.
Advance your knowledge and learning with the experts from across the world.
Don’t miss out! To registrate:
Date: 20.11.2023 (Monday)
Time: 9 AM- 10.30 AM Central European Time Zone
* The webinar takes place in Central European Time Zone, but we invite teachers from anywhere on the globe who are interested in the talks to sign up and watch the live talk and participate in the discussion at the end of the meeting!

Dalton International Global Event
On 20th of November Dalton International joins the global celebrations of other global organizations on the occasion of World Children’s Day. The main theme of this year’s WCD is “For every child, every right”, announced by United Nations. World Children’s Day was first established in 1954 as Universal Children’s Day and is celebrated on 20 November each year to promote international togetherness, awareness among children worldwide, and improving children’s welfare.
On this occasion the global community of Dalton International from Australia, Austria, China, Japan, Poland, The Netherlands and Turkey will hold a unique online session to celebrate this meaningful occasion. This year’s theme of the Dalton International Café is “Dalton and Well Being.”
During the global event we are going to reflect on the legacy of Helen Parkhurst and explore the application of Parkhurst vision on well-being in today’s world. We will discuss the roots of Helen Parkhurst as an advocate for children and look at how Parkhurst’s principles and practice can offer a pathway to addressing some of the well-being challenges.
The speakers will be announced soon.
To register, send an email on:

Dalton Tokyo Junior and Senior High School was certified as “Member of Dalton International”.
We congratulate to Dalton Tokyo Junior and Senior High School for joining the network of Dalton International by becoming an official Member.
After the training session with the team of teachers and study days when we gathered together with students for an insightful talk, the school was certified by a President of Dalton International Roel Röhner.
Both teachers and students learned how Dalton principles can shape students’ ownership and a stronger teamwork, resulting in more valuable learning experience for the whole school community.

Dalton Seminars Tokyo, Japan
The next Dalton International course will take place in Tokyo, Japan. The course will be led by: Roel Rohner, Rene Berends and Agata Rohner.
The module are as follows:
Tuesday, October 10th, trainer: Rene Berends
“Brief historical background of Dalton Plan in Japan”;
“Using model 1 (“flower model”) for presentation of the Dalton Plan of Helen Parkhurst”;
“Brainstorm in groups about the five dimensions of model 1 (flower model)”;
“Using model 2 (“Curricular spiderweb”) for presentation of the Dalton plan in practice
Reflection and evaluation
Wednesday, October 11th, 16.00-18.00, trainers: Roel Rohner, Agata Rohner
Roel Rohner, “Dalton education, a growing worldwide development”
Agata Rohner, “Leading Professional Learning in International Dalton Schools worldwide”
- Dalton Model in International Dalton Schools across the world.
- Spiral of Inquiry Model for a sustain learning culture (through questions, we try to develop together our own Dalton learning culture).
- Agreements (Independency) (we work out 20 agreements of Independency on a school’s level together).
- The structure and organization of Study Lab Plan in International Dalton Schools.
Dalton Tokyo junior and Senior High School is a new nominated member of Dalton International.

We say goodbye to our vice president Paul Bruijn
During XXVI International Dalton Congress in Izmir, we said goodbye to our former vice president Paul Bruijn.
Our community would like to express an enormous gratitude to our dear colleague and friend, Paul Bruijn, who has been working with us for so many years.
We, in Dalton International would like to thank you for your cooperation and many year support. It has been a true honour to working with you. It is with great joy that we will reminiscent our cooperation. We have accomplished so much together. Thank you for your kindness, continuous support, loyalty and professionalism.
We would like to take this opportunity and award our former vice president Paul Bruijn with “Honorary Membership of Dalton International”.

Thank you to all XXVI DI Congress Participants
Thank you to all of our Dalton International Congress 2023 participants and speakers. Your performances have impressed and inspired the audience. Thank you for your meaningful speeches and enthusiastic participation. Your taking part in our Congress “Dalton as a way of life for today and for tomorrow” ensured the grand success of the event.
Special gratitude to Dalton College Izmir for sharing their wonderful space and being the most courteous hosts. An enormous gratitude to participants from Ministry of Education as well as city councils from Turkey, thank you for being our honorable guests.
Dalton International Congress Izmir 2023

May 9. 2023
Program of 7th Forum “Building a World Dalton Culture”.
Roel Röhner
President of Dalton international, “Dalton Education: a child’s lifetime experience”.
Dr Agata Röhner
Executive Director, Dalton International “Building a world Dalton Culture”,
Huang Jiali
Professor and doctoral supervisor at the Teacher Education Research Center of Beijing Normal University: “Project Based Learning Report”
Zhang Li
Principal of Shenzhen Dalton International School in Nanshan District, Shenzhen “Dalton as a way of a school life”.
Pan Yishu
International Dalton Coordinator and Principal of Wenzhou Dalton Elementary School, “Dalton education without limits”.
Lu Jing
International Dalton Coordinator, Assistant Principal of Daoxin School in Nanshan District,
Shenzhen, and Director of Curriculum Development Center: “Dalton and PBL in theory and practice”.
Li Jinlong
Director of the Teaching Management Center of Daoxin School in Nanshan District, Shenzhen:
“The structure of Dalton Education in our school”
Yuan Huiying
Leader of the Primary School Mathematics Teaching Group of Shenzhen Dalton International School in Nanshan District, Shenzhen “Combining Chinese Characters with Dalton influence”
Li Fuman
STEM-PBL Teaching Group of Daoxin School in Nanshan District, Shenzhen “STEM and Assignment in our Dalton School.
May 6. 2023
Dalton International wholeheartedly welcomes to our global organization a new nominated member Dalton elementary school “De Borgwal” in Bemmel. We welcome you and wish you a good time with us. We believe that together we deliver real change that impact our global Dalton community.
The motto of the school is “Live with your talent, because everyone is beautiful when you are who you are!”. The school believes that inner beauty may be enhanced by tailor learning to the needs and capacities of every child. The school works with Dalton core values such as: independence, cooperation, responsibility, reflection, effectiveness and assurance.
Recently, “De Borgwal” Dalton elementary school have received “the excellent school” designation for the fifth time and they will soon join the global community of Dalton International.
Congratulations to the staff of the school, the children and their parents.
In the picture: management team of Dalton International and a schools’ management.
April 11. 2023
New nominated Member of Dalton International
Dalton International welcomed yesterday a new nominated member in our foundation. The school “Dalton Kindcentrum Het Park” from Brummen has taken the steps to become a part of our worldwide Dalton International community. Most of all, the school provides every child with a good feeling of structured and safe environment. Children are prepared in a challenging and meaningful way to find their path to self-awareness. The following core values are pleasure, independency, responsibility, cooperation, quality and feeling of safety. The school is engaged in some international projects and teach their children to think both locally and globally.
The school fulfils the standards and criteria of nominated new members of Dalton International. Working together, we can take Dalton education to a new, international level, and doing so, build the schools of the future to meet the needs of a modern world. Dalton International celebrates the steps towards common cooperation. DI members, International Dalton Schools, Teacher training centres and associations spread the mission and vision of Helen Parkhurst across the world. Our community meet regularly at the annual congresses in different parts of the world.
Pictured here: the management of the school together with management team of Dalton International.
March 15. 2023
This day is an International Day of Dalton Education. Several years ago the Dutch Dalton Association took the initiative to celebrate Dalton every third Wednesday in March.From this occasion, Dalton International would like to wish also the International Dalton Schools , Members, academic and training centers a meaningful celebration.
Days such as the International Dalton Day need to focus on one main theme to be significant. This year’s theme of International Dalton Day is “Building a World Dalton Culture”.
In order to track the way of building bridges between cultures, the International Dalton Schools will lead an analysis on global skills to meet the needs of the new societal demands.
Most of all, the analysis will concern global and intercultural dimension of Dalton education across the world. A special attention will be paid to teach “intercultural competence”, necessary to be empathic, open minded and flexible enough to handle all cultural differences as well as teaching communication skills, necessary to operate as one team in every school. Moreover, the aspect of cultural diversity as well as sustainable living practices.
The results of analysis will be shared for a public view.
March 12. 2023
Thank you Rene Berends for a very valuable presentation concerning “the making of” the biography of Helen Parkhurst.
Visit the link below to watch how the biography was made:
March 8. 2023
Today we celebrated the 137th birthday of Helen Parkhurst with an International Dalton Café.
February 27. 2023
February 15. 2023
We are excited to announce that the book of Rene Berends “Helen Parkhurst, the founder of the Dalton Plan” has just been published in English and is now ready to order on: Helen Parkhurst | Leonon Media Publishers
Helen Parkhurst commenced a worldwide revolution in the classroom. She developed a new method of educating the young and inspired a movement that carried it into every corner of the world. This is the story of the woman behind the public figure—her accomplishments, her ideas, and her passions.
Don’t miss the chance to take part in a Dalton Café on 8 March.
This day, Rene will give a lecture about Helen Parkhurst, her life and passion.
He will also speak about the essence of “the revitalization of education”.
See you on 8 March!
February 1. 2023
More information about Dalton International Congress 2023:
We are incredibly pleased to inform that the Dalton International Congress will take place in Izmir, Turkey between 30.04.-2.05.2023.
The main theme of the conference is “Dalton as a way of life for today and tomorrow”.
The main theme:
The theme will focus on historical background, mission, and vision of Helen Parkhurst across the globe one hundred years ago and contemporary development. The main subjects will concern global skills, intercultural competence, wellbeing, and future focused practical projects developed by teachers that prepare children for a sustainable and harmonious future. All participants will have the opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience with the Dalton global community across the world.
Our conference will take place in one venue. That is the assembly hall of Izmir Katip Celebi University, which is not far away (about 5-minute drive) from our International Dalton School- Dalton College Izmir.
Izmir is a picturesque city, located in the western extremity of Anatolia. It is the third most populous city in Turkey. In the past, the city was known as Smyrna. Izmir emerged as a national port in the 17th century and one of the biggest trade centres. Today we are overly excited to hold the 2023 DI global event in this beautiful city.
In the program the 30th of April is the conference day with workshops and seminars from DI board members, consultants, and researchers. After the keynote speeches, the program will be divided into breakout sessions. Every participant may decide in which session they would like to participate.
On the 1st of May, the organizers prepared for all participants a marvellous attraction. A one-day trip to Pamukkale, meaning “cotton castle” in Turkish, in southwestern Turkey. The area is famous for carbonate mineral left by the flowing thermal spring water.
On the 2nd of May participants will have the opportunity to make a study visit to Dalton College Izmir, International Dalton School.
We recommend booking your flights on Monday, 29 of April to Izmir as the conference will start early in the morning. All participants will be accommodated in the same hotel (we will soon publish the information which one with the exact address). The organizers will book the hotel for the participants. The costs of conference fee and lodging are covered by participants.
In the evening, the dinner will be arranged in one place for all participants.
DI President Roel Röhner will open the conference and provide the opportunity to meet him and greet personally.
Registration will be opened soon. Therefore, we would like to ask you to follow our news on our social media and website of D.I.
If you have questions, please contact our Congress Education Committee:
January 30. 2023
We are excited to announce that XXVI Dalton International Conference will take place on 30th of April 2023 in Izmir, Turkey at Katip Çelebi University.
Keep an eye out to learn about dates, speakers, registration, and more. We are looking forward to reconnecting with old friends and to seeing new faces, and we are extremely excited to gather with our global Dalton community. During the conference you will have the opportunity to discover the heights of Helen Parkhurst global influence and connect with educators from numerous institutions across the world. This year’s theme “Dalton as a way of life, for today and tomorrow” will be the main motto of the conference.
See you there!
January 3. 2023

November 29. 2022
Doing the best in the best way
Developing a vision on Dalton education
René Berends, Hilde-Marie van Slochteren, Vera Otten-Binnerts
November 25. 2022
Today we have warmly welcomed the Dalton International community from Australia, Austria, China, Japan, Poland, The Netherlands and Turkey. It was wonderful to see you all!
The goal of the first Dalton International Café was to raise awareness and understanding of Helen Parkhurst legacy as a global influence in our rapidly changing world. The main theme of our today’s meeting was “School of the Future”.
With this today’s meeting we hope to inspire all Dalton Participants to praise your daily Dalton work, and to return to your today’s activities with renewed energy and vigour.
As with all international gatherings both online and in- person, we had today the unique opportunity to connect with each other and share our common Dalton experience both in theory and practice.
Hope to see you all in April in person during our International Dalton Conference in Izmir!
November 15. 2022

November 5. 2022

November 3. 2022
October 25. 2022

October 23. 2022
Short impression of the visit of our board members to ASCHAM in Sydney on invitation to celebrate 100 years of Dalton education in this unique Dalton school.
September 30. 2022

July 8. 2022
Congratulations to Wenzhou Dalton International School for being awarded with Special Achievement Award of Zhejiang Province Pedagogical Course Planning Research Projects ,Top 10 cases of “Double Reduction” Policy Practice Cases in Zhejiang Province as well as first prize of the first batch of Classroom Reform Projects in Wenzhou.
The award was given to honor the innovative approach to education. The tools developed by Dalton coordinators and mentors such as Digital Assignment, Digital Portfolio and Digital Contract were copyrighted and are now the property of Wenzhou Dalton International School. All the tools were developed under the guidance and training of Dalton International training.
July 7. 2022
Celebrating the end of the school year in Wenzhou Dalton Elementary School
Last week we have celebrated online the end of the school year in Wenzhou Dalton Elementary School. We were honoured to welcome numerous special guests, including city authorities, researchers from academic environment, school authorities and representatives from the local educational bureaus.
Thank you to all Governors, school management, Dalton coordinators and Dalton mentors who were working with us this year so hard. It is a privilege to serve among such a dedicated group of individuals. We are so fortunate to have such creative and outstanding contributors on our Board.
With the end of the school year, we would like to wish all International Dalton schools and members a peaceful, healthy and happy summer filled with friends, family and loads of fun!
June 16. 2022
Team ‘Sternschule’ from Deutschlandsberg Austria visited Daltonschool ‘De Maten’ in Den Ham in the Netherlands
May 27. 2022
Jubilee Daltonschool in Wels – Austria

Bernhard Schermaier, Ulrich Besirske, Christiane Rehm, Manuela Rittenschober, Simone Reichenberger,
Henriette Steinhauer, Jürgen Peters, Agata Röhner, Roel Röhner.
Jürgen Peters ‘Member of Honour’ Dalton International

After two years we had the opportunity to hand out the certificate and the official plaque.
May 9. 2022
XXV Jubilee International Dalton Conference in Brno, Czech Republic came to an end. We were happy to welcome delegations from Dalton world in Austria, Australia, China, Czech Republic, Germany, Japan, Poland, Spain, Slovakia, Turkey and The Netherlands. We would like to thank our participants, guests, speakers and hosts for taking part in this year’s International Dalton Conference. We appreciate enormously your input, active participation and continuous support for Dalton International. It was a brilliant occasion to visit International Dalton Schools in Czech Republic and observe a natural contact, respect without fear, a joy in daily school living and willingness to do a hard work.
The main theme of the conference was “Education for future”. Undoubtedly, Dalton Plan is universal and timeless. As Parkhurst said “The old machinery has been captured by a new spirit”. We hope that the innovative Dalton spirit will be present in your schools and hearts as it was more than one hundred years ago.
May 1. 2022
International Dalton Conference Brno – Czech Republic
The #Internationaldaltonconference is going to start in three days on 4th of May. On the first day of the conference the vice director of Dalton Tokyo Junior and Senior High School will talk about their vision on a modern Dalton development. During her speach Naoko will present their own vision on how to raise a fearless, self-directed, life long learner and a productive member of a society in a progressive learning environment.
April 25. 2022
Delegations from many countries participate in our 25th jubilee conference.
We are looking forward to welcome them in Brno.
April 5. 2022
This 25th International Dalton Conference is usually organized with the support of the Brno city government.
April 1. 2022

March 31. 2022
Our next keynote speaker is Bob Kartous. Bob is the head of communications and an analyst in think-tank EDUin. He has been writing about education in several Czech media and serves as regular media commentator of educational events. He teaches at the University of Economics and Management in Prague and is helping to launch the start-up Education Republic. Bob speaks regularly at TED conferences in Czech Republic.
March 30. 2022
During our International Dalton Conference, Dr Joanne Manning will be talking about the latest innovative development in Ascham School in Sydney.
Joanne is Dalton International consultant and trainer and is a part of the management team in Ascham School in Sydney.
March 29. 2022
Professor Rýdl is a consultant of Dalton International and the author of more than 200 original scientific works and more than 300 professional articles. He often performs at conferences both national and international.
The professional interest of professor Rydl are the history of education, the development of education abroad, school management, in which he focuses on the issue of the concept of quality and its evaluation.
Prof. Rýdl is a member of a number of international and national scientific and professional societies, and has been active in the non-profit sector as a lecturer.
Since February 1, 2010, he has been the Vice-Rector for Education and Student Affairs at Univerzita Pardubice in Czech Republic.
On the 5th of May, professor Rydl will give a speech on innovative trends in a modern education.
March 27. 2022
March 23. 2022
We are looking forward to meet our Dalton friends during the upcoming live XXV jubilee International Dalton Conference in Brno, Czech Republic. The conference is titled “Education for the future”. Our experienced array of speakers consists of Dalton International board members and researchers, Czech Dalton specialists in academic and practice and Czech Dalton Association board members. Numerous topics will be covered concerning innovative Dalton education in XXI century.
We are glad to host four directors from Dalton elementary schools in Germany, Spain, Japan, Austria, Australia and Poznan/Poland.
Soon, we will make you familiar with our key speakers from all over the Dalton world.
International Dalton Day 2022, Message of President Roel Röhner
This day is a very special day for the whole Dalton development worldwide. It is celebrated on the third Wednesday of March, therefore this year it is 16th of March. International Dalton Day celebrates the importance and significance of Dalton influence across the world. This is a day, where all Dalton schools get appreciation for all their hard work and effort to create an environment in which children can develop their own strengths in a friendly, social environment.
International Dalton Day has become a custom every year now. All Dalton schools and initiatives globally deserve respect, support and care. Although the scenery of the world for Dalton education has changed over time and decades, we firmly believe that there is yet a lot of new, strong initiatives ahead of the whole community of Dalton International.
The Dalton Plan is an incident in a movement of a very great, worldwide importance. The extraordinary change of spirit commenced by Helen Parkhurst decades ago is still present in the Dalton movement globally.
This day, we would like to wish all Dalton schools worldwide a good continuation of their Dalton journey towards a better and brighter future in peace, trust, respect and mutual understanding.
Speech of Mrs. Liz Zhang, director of SHENZHEN DALTON XINHUA SCHOOL
for the International Dalton Day 2022.
Speech of Sarah Louise Money, director of DALTON COLLEGE IZMIR,
for the International Dalton Day 2022.
Today we celebrate International Dalton Day – a day where we recognise the importance of Dalton around the world. With over 400 Dalton schools worldwide, the influence of Dalton is even more significant for us this year as we celebrate 100 Years of Dalton – read more here
Dear Mr. Röhner, Dr. Agata, and all our colleagues at Dalton International.
I am Principal Lili Bai, of Dalton Elementary School in Wenzhou, China. I am honored to accept the invitation to attend today’s International Dalton Day.
For over 100 years, the Dalton educational theory founded by Ms Helen Parker, based on the core values of “freedom and cooperation”, has been the foundation stone for practice and development in Dalton schools.
With global scope, the Dalton International has constantly been active in its engagement to promote the practical application of Dalton education, in cooperation with schools. It has contributed a great deal of wisdom and strength.
We at Wenzhou Dalton Elementary School in China have benefited from the personal guidance of President Rohner, Dr. Agata, and Mr. Bruijn. Furthermore, we have received online training and appraisal from Dalton International. Consistently, they have tacitly assisted with the design and organization of student-teacher exchange and sharing of the Dalton school experience. In addition, there are many other strong measures which have given impetus to the development of Dalton in China, which have benefited the reform of education and teaching, and student development, in our school.
In China we are now in the third month, in spring, which is the most beautiful time of year. The teachers at our Dalton school in Wenzhou are immersed in and enjoying the spring in education which the International Dalton Committee has brought to us.
Here, again, we wish to express our sincere gratitude to Dalton International and our three wise, selfless advisors. Dalton education is a ‘future-facing’ kind of education. We refer to and absorb its essence, to boost the implementation of China’s own domestic educational reforms. No matter whether we view the immediate effects of practical application, or the beautiful vision in the distance of a school’s development, both present a mode which is delightful.
I cannot wait to welcome President Röhner and the other board members of Dalton International to China again, to see us in Wenzhou, and to taste together the happiness that education brings to teachers and parents. We must wait until the pandemic is over, and the greater environment allows, for us to be able to welcome them warmly. We believe that that time will be a spring for Dalton International, and also a spring for the whole world!
Link to the video message of Mrs. Lili Bai
CLICK HERE Przedszkole 34 Dalton International – YouTube
Special assignment for the International Dalton Day
made by the Dalton school in Wells – Austria
March 8. 2022
February 16. 2022
Congratulations to Wenzhou Dalton Elementary School
Following a series of teacher trainings, lectures and seminars both online and live (since 2018), as well as a positive audit online, Dalton International board nominated Wenzhou Dalton Elementary School in Wenzhou, China, as International Dalton School. As a result, the school has joined the community of International Dalton Schools across the world.
The International Dalton School in Wenzhou, is a private school that firmly adheres to Dalton principles, mission and vision as promoted by the Dalton International.
It is our immense pleasure to Congratulate You and Your School on obtaining the predicate “International Dalton School”.
It is for us, Dalton International a meaningful and special occasion.
We can be proud and honoured that although we speak different languages, we share the same educational values. Dalton International message is one hope for the future. It is supported by practical initiatives that will lay firm foundations to continue our mission of connecting Dalton schools in China.
We would like to wish the whole team of Wenzhou Dalton Elementary School a further success in Dalton Plan implementation.
February 3. 2022
Congratulations to Ascham School in Sydney on your 100th anniversary of Dalton education. At Dalton International, we admire your school development and the high level of Dalton approach implementation. In addition, we admire your commitment to excellence in education. With gratitude and appreciation, we look forward to the conference and celebration in November 2022.
January 24. 2022
Today, the world is celebrating the forth International Day of Education under the theme “Changing course, transforming education”. The United National General Assembly proclaimed the day as International Day of Education on January 24th, 2018. It is highly important to demonstrate this day the possible steps that needs to be made to provide a fundamental right for education for every child.
We always say each opportunity where we can act and transform our world as Helen Parkhurst called for needs to be fully exploited. Dalton International believe that creating appropriate conditions for children to grow to the fullness of their potential across the world is necessary. Each opportunity where we can act and transform our world, needs to be exploited and researched.
Dalton International would like to wish all International Dalton Schools worldwide a Happy International Day of Education.
January 22. 2022
Following a series of teacher trainings since 2018 and a positive audit, Dalton International board nominated Kindergarten no 34 in Koszalin as International Dalton Kindergarten. As a result, the kindergarten has joined the community of International Dalton Schools across the world:…/
The International Dalton Kindergarten no 34 in Koszalin, is a public kindergarten that firmly adheres to Dalton principles, mission and vision as promoted by the Dalton International:
Dalton International would like to congratulate the Kindergarten number 34 in Koszalin for making a significant step forward in their Dalton development.
January 18. 2022
Our book about Dalton in Primary and Secondary education in Chinese language came out today.
We are proud and happy with this new step in the development of Dalton education in China.
The book has been published in Chinese at North East Normal University in Changhun, China.
Januari 13. 2022
Dalton study day for the International Dalton Kindergarten in Koszalin – Poland.
January 13. 2022
Next Seminar for the Dalton College in Izmir – Turkey given by our International Dalton Conslutant Paul Bruijn.
January 1. 2022
December 31. 2021
New Year celebration in Wenzhou Dalton Elementary School
Children from the school wrote New Year wishes:
December 22. 2021
December 20. 2021
Chalabalova Dalton Elementary School Brno – Czech Republic
Last year’s anniversary of the Velvet Revolution was celebrated by our school with the project 30 years of freedom. Its aim was to acquaint pupils with the period between 1948 and 1989 so that they would know what would actually be commemorated on 17 November.
On the two main project days, the children went to the teachers to discuss various topics, such as political processes in the 50s, events around 1968, emigration, victims of the communist regime, the Cold War or the Berlin Wall. However, interesting activities were prepared for children not only by teachers, but also by ninth-grade pupils.
In history and citizenship education classes, they prepared ten stations that children from lower grades visited during the second project day. At the end, teachers and pupils of the second grade met in the gym to sing songs related to the revolt against the totalitarian regime, there was also an anthem and the clinking of keys.
Live-played protest songs were also heard two mornings when the children arrived at school. During Thursday, there was also an opportunity to purchase thematically conceived products of seventh-graders. The collected money was donated to the Veleta day care center and the People in Need organization.
During Friday’s reflection on the project, the pupils made it clear that they were very interested in the project and that they took a lot from it. They agreed that they liked the whole event, but that they were happy to live in the 21st century. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who sent us their memories of the events around 17 November. These texts will be available for reading in the school lobby by the end of the semester.
Vladimir Moškvan, Director
December 17. 2021
Dalton training Shenzhen Dalton Xinhua School
December 9. 2021
We are proud to present the cover of The Dalton Handbook prepared by Dalton coordinators from Wenzhou Dalton Elementary School✍️.
The Dalton Handbook is a unique school document with the structure introduced by Dalton International in every International Dalton School.
The Dalton Handbook contains a lot of practical visualization on an innovative Dalton practice with our own practical ideas.
In The Dalton Handbook we included among others:
- How to implement an asset model of teaching?
- How to arrange learner driven feedback?
- How to engage self-referential assessment?
- How to implement a model of a Dalton Learner’s Agency?
- How to engage Dalton Teacher Agency?
- Who is a Dalton Agentive Learner?
- How to shape children’s social behaviours?
- Cognitive factors?
- Awareness?
- Beliefs and attitude?
November 29. 2021
Online guidance of the “DALTON COLLEGE IZMIR’.
A great workshop was held with Paul Bruijn and the Dalton International mentor group from Dalton College Izmir.
We reflected and evaluated our return back to school for both our students and teachers.
Plans were made for the next workshop and new goals were set.
Thank you to Paul for coaching and guiding us and thank you to the Dalton International team for their continuous support.
October 26. 2021
New book about Dalton Education
With pleasure we are presenting the cover of our book “Dalton Plan: a child’s lifetime experience” written by Roel Röhner and Agata Röhner.
The cover was designed by children from Wenzhou Dalton Elementary School. The book has a theoretical and practical character. Our goal is to show the importance of the Dalton Plan worldwide, taking into account cultural background as well as different policies and potentials of the Dalton schools across the world. Moreover, we seek to examine the significance of using the Dalton Plan in everyday school life, so that the main goal would be to focus on mutual learning, socialization and experience as the basis of a social school life.
The book will be published in the publishing house of Northeast Normal University in China in Chinese language.
The premiere of the book will take place during the official International Dalton Conference in China in November 2022.
October 21. 2021

October 14. 2021
Sternschule Deutschlandsberg
Sternschule Deutchlandsberg has once again re-opened its doors after the summer break for its excited students and growing team! Among many known happy faces we have many new fresh ones having joined us this year. We now have 89 children attending our school and this including ten new first graders. One has to say there is truly something special about starting a new school year. There is always that expectation and vital energy that makes everyone feel the positive vibrations in the air. After a seemingly disruptive and in many ways not easy last school year, due to covid restrictions and several lockdowns, we are now looking positively and hopefully that this year will bless us with health and staying strong. We are aware of the continued restrictions that are present all over the world, such as wearing masks outside the classroom for instance, however as long as we can attend school, continue learning and have normality settle back in, that is all we wish for. That is all the children wish too, to see their teachers and friends and to be able to communicate, play and learn together.
It is wonderful to be back inside the walls of our school, such joy for the children to see their friends and greet their teachers. We were finally able to start our Erasmus project with a school from Slovenia. The name of the project is Promote Your Neighbour! Our kids will travel to Slovenia where they will connect with their peers through several activities aimed at improving their IT, language and social skills.
Many new faces among our team too, which is also exhilarating for everyone! Children have already settled in after the first few weeks and are ready for their Dalton education plans, organised and productive and very noticeably full of motivation! We have new subjects rooms set up for the children and this has brought much satisfaction, curiosity and motivation! To see the children learning self-organisation, responsibility and consideration as the progress of their work is rewarding and moving. Here is to a successful new school year!
October 3. 2021

September 23. 2021

September 7. 2021
What an incredible year is in front of us. The year of new opportunities, new initiatives. In front of us the year of sharing our work, our passion, our vision and our achievements. Thanks to the Dalton Plan we still find ways to connect across the world, we are grateful to all International Dalton Schools for their commitment, engagement, sharing their Dalton experience and expertise. Thanks to you, we can continue Parkhurst legacy. Undoubtedly, we have recently met some challenges because of a global pandemic, which has forced us to adapt the online way we train and teach. Although the pandemic period, we are providing continuous support for the schools and parents. Our focus is to ensure the Dalton education accessible for every child in every corner of the world. Dalton education remains the inclusive, accepting education for children and adults of all abilities, and all cultures. To achieve this, we remain open to learning, listening and understanding the needs of all communities that are struggling to implement Dalton education.
We are honoured to spread the legacy of Helen Parkhurst across the world. At the same time, we bear in mind that thanks to her strong character and will she was able to achieve a huge success as just one individual, spreading her ideas and ground breaking work in universal education on a global scale. We are pleased to continue to support her work and demonstrate the amazing impact of Dalton education.
Every human being has the power to make a difference and if we can do it together – cooperating, sharing, supporting, learning from each other, listening to each other, the difference and impact may be enormous.
As a Dalton International community, it is our solemn duty to cooperate, share and spread the legacy of Helen Parkhurst. Today, we are pleased to wish all the International Dalton Schools across the world a meaningful school year, full of hope and good initiatives. May this year be for you special and full of success. We wish you all, a healthy and successful school year with the same motto as always: Go forth unafraid!
Roel Röhner,
President Dalton International
July 2. 2021
During the pandamic period the Dalton guidance of ‘WENZHOU DALTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL’ is organized frequently online by Dr. Agata Sowinska.
Evaluation of the school year with Wenzhou Dalton Team was all about summarizing our work within this year. The implementation of responsibility in the school was based on 20 agreements of responsibility. Children are able to demonstrate responsibility within the Dalton environment. Responsibility begins with choosing one’s own work during the day, working independently, and being a contributing member of the collective classroom community.
Contributing members of any community help nurture and maintain the classroom. Within the Dalton environment, children become responsible for the environment by learning to care for the classroom as well as for themselves and their friends. For the last year, together with the team of teachers we were working on shaping the attitude of openness and freedom, self-organization and self-directed learning. We have worked out authorial projects, contracts and visualization adjusting the vision of responsibility to a Chinese community and culture. We are looking forward to see the effect live when we are there.
June 18. 2021
Short interview with young girls of the school.
She believed she could so she did! Be powerful, independent, strong, courageous, kind, brave – Thank you to our incredible staff and girls for delivering an amazing Open Day today!
June 17. 2021
(Dutch article translated by Googl translation)
30 March last it was officially twenty years ago that the notary passed the act of the founding of Dalton International. In this article , ‘Dalton historian’ René Berends and President of Dalton International, Roel Röhner, describe the history of this organization.
Dalton World Wide
Nowadays, the design of dalton education seems to be mainly a Dutch issue. There are about 400 dalton schools in our country, where more than 100,000 children go. About one in 20 primary and secondary schools are Dalton schools.
There will be about 100 other dalton schools worldwide today, but that was different before the Second World War. At the time, there were thousands of dalton schools in Britain and Japan and many hundreds of schools in China and in the U.S.S.R. But in the crisis times of the 1930s and in the run-up to World War II, the global hype of reform was over. With the aim of a few distinguished private schools such as the New York Dalton School and the Ascham School in Sydney, a substantial number of dalton schools remained only in the Netherlands. In our country, therefore, freedom of education was constitutionally enshrined after the School Struggle.
The Utrecht-Brno city link as the starting point of a dalton revival
After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the former Eastern Bloc countries orientated themselves on the west. Old relationships were revived, new relationships were entered into. And this was not only about business connections, but also in the cultural and educational field, the cooperation started. In the 1990s, the city of Utrecht entered into a city link with Brno in the Czech Republic. Representatives of both cities visited each other and looked for areas in which cooperation could take shape.
During the preparation of one of the visits to Brno, the Utrecht alderman / municipal education inspector injured himself. A search was underway for a replacement. It was found in the person of Roel Röhner, then director of dalton school Pieterskerkhof, the oldest surviving dalton primary school. Roel had previously indicated that he was open to making contacts about education with foreign teachers and schools.
The lecture on educational developments in the Netherlands was appreciated. The contacts were expanded. Teachers from Brno were introduced to the dalton concept and attended dalton schools in the Netherlands. Now, more than twenty years later, these relationships still exist and a Czech sister association of the Dutch Dalton Association has been founded.
Building an international dalton organization
Brno and Utrecht became centers from which new partnerships in the dalton field emerged. In several former Eastern European countries, interested parties came to the conferences in Brno, which led to the establishment of dalton schools in Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and in former East Germany, among others. In Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland, this also led to the establishment of a national dalton association.
There are also countries where the approach is not yet to set up their own autonomous associations. This is more about setting up a ‘Department’ of Dalton International’. This applies, for example, to China, Germany and Turkey. This offers the advantage that there is no need to keep an autonomous association running and expert support for the schools is available at Dalton International.
There are also countries and territories where dalton has developed autonomously, without the connection to Dalton International. For example, there is a dalton school in the West Germany and there are several dalton schools in the Flemish-speaking part of Belgium in particular, which have contact with each other, but develop without input or contact with Dalton International.
And there are also countries where a single or only a few schools present themselves as dalton schools and have joined DI, such as in Spain (Bilbao), Senegal (Dakar), Japan (Nagoya and Tokyo), Northern Ireland (Portadown) and Hong Kong.
Finally, of course, the two leading schools in New York and Sydney still exist. With Ascham in Sydney Dalton International has an intensive contact. The Dalton School in New York follows international developments with critical eyes.
Member of Dalton International
Schools worldwide can join Dalton International. In the Netherlands, about ten schools have already made that step. They are schools that are open to receiving international guests, but who also want to look beyond the borders themselves.
Dalton International has been involved in the creation of about thirty schools worldwide. In recent years, that effort has focused on China and Turkey.
In the first decades of the new millennium, China has become increasingly self-conscious in the world as an economic superpower. In the country, the inhabitants, incidentally within the limits set by the state apparatus, have freedom to take their own initiatives, which steadily contributes to the (economic) growth of the country. In that context, there have been several large private schools and newly built ones that have embraced the Dalton concept as a profile.
Dalton International is actively involved in these developments. There is a Chinese ‘Department’ of DI, which has already organized various conferences and training courses, such as in Beijing, Shenzhen and Wenzhou.
The same applies to Turkey, where a private dalton school was recently started in Izmir. It is a growth school with more than 300 students. Dalton International is also actively involved in this school.
Training, research and development
There are a number of countries where the training of students and the conduct of research into dalton is actively designed. In Poland, expertise is built up and training is provided at the University of Poznan. In particular, there are a number of kindergartens in that country working on dalton.
Also in Beijing, a university is involved in the (further) development of the dalton idea.
While the role is modest, Dalton International is committed to ensuring the quality of dalton education. Among other things, a dalton handbook has been written, on the basis of which dalton consultants are trained.
In order to strengthen research into dalton education, the ‘Dalton Research Platform’ was established on the initiative of DI.
May 24. 2021
Message of Dalton International to Shenzhen Dalton Xinhua School on the occasion of their 5th Anniversary:
Our warmest greetings to the Shenzhen Dalton Xinhua School as you celebrate your 5th Anniversary as an International Dalton School.
The development of education is vital to Dalton education mission and vision. As an educational institution, it is your responsibility to ensure that your children become self-reliant, cooperative and reflective human beings. May this event reaffirm your commitment to implement in our children a thirst for knowledge and a culture of innovation that will drive their ambitions and set their path to success and fulfillment, as well as empower them to become more dynamic, responsible citizens of 21st century.
We in Dalton International are proud to create the community of innovative, progressive Dalton education for all. May you instill the values of hard work, excellence, responsibility and cooperativeness of the school in your children and allow them to express themselves in the way they would like to be.
We wish you a happy and meaningful celebration.
Dalton International
‘SHENZHEN DALTON XINHUA SCHOOL’ was founded in 2016.
We celebrated their jubilee together on-line.
Today we participated with a short seminar during the jubilee party in Shenzhen Dalton Xinhua School.
In autumn 2021 we will be back in that school to continue the Dalton process.
May 15.2021
This conference of the Dutch Dalton Association will take place in different locations in the Netherlands.
May 14. 2021
Although we had a technical problem with the sad result that some people couldn’t log in, the International Online Dalton Conference was followed by more than 100 participants who saw these presentations.
by Roel Röhner by Dr. Agata Sowinska by Paul Bruijn
May 11. 2021
May 7. 2021
The quality Dalton school provides the appropriate environment for the development of students and the effectiveness of the school. The school’s vision is consistent with Helen Parkhurst philosophy of efficiency, enterprising living and working, responsibility, interaction of a group life, and the learning by experience.
Dalton International is aimed at continuous development of their schools. The training by International Dalton Consultants and regular contact with the Executive Director of Dalton International is a quality assurance process that is designed to help schools to continuously develop and improve their Dalton Plan in practice. It consists of an ongoing program of support, guidance and improvement of the school and all its staff members worldwide. This ensures that schools accredited by Dalton International continue to embody the highest Dalton education standards. See under Dalton designation.
We discovered that abroad even people without any experience in Dalton education and without official certificate are operating as ‘Dalton Consultant’ or ‘Dalton specialist’. It happens that Kindergarten and Elementary schools after two or three seminars get the ‘official predicate Dalton’. This damages the high status of Dalton.
To give one example, obtaining a Dalton license takes in the Netherlands between three and five years. Schools must be member of the Dutch Dalton Association. The Association requires schools to be able to submit a timetable plan and a Dalton Development Plan for that implementation period. High qualified Dutch Dalton Consultants are guiding the school during the implementation process.
When the schools apply for the Dalton license at the end of the completed process, a visitation committee of the Dutch Dalton Association investigates how the school shapes Dalton pedagogy. The whole school is being examined. If the school can adequately demonstrate how Dalton pedagogy is embedded in education and organization, the Dalton license is granted. For Kindergarten/Primary schools it is usually valid for five years. Then again a visitation takes place.
The official Dalton Associations in Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, the Netherlands and Slovakia guarantee in such a way the highest quality of Dalton education in their schools. The ‘Chinese Department of Dalton International’, and the ‘Turkish Department of Dalton International’ are cooperating intensively with Dalton International in the Dalton school-development-process, which last at least two years of intensive training by International Dalton Consultants.
May 6. 2021
MAY 3. 2021
This morning we had a organizational webinar with two board members of Czech Dalton.
We spoke about technical aspects of the coming on-line International Dalton Conference.
MAY 1. 2021
APRIL 29. 2021
International Dalton Consultants and all educators of Dalton International Foundation believe that developing ownership is one of the most important issues in the Dalton model of education. The Dalton philosophy is all about developing holistic approach to every child. We strongly believe that much of the children´s question can be answered by children themselves. Dalton children should be filled with a love for learning, should be thoughtful, with a creative and inquisitive mind.
Following this, engaging children in a real life discovery raises the interests, intrinsic motivation by self-discovering for the answers and sharing their work with others. That type of learning is also making the learning process more effective. Children are encouraged to take up their own initiatives and investigate the topic. Consequently, children become owners of their own learning process, they move from being receivers of information to becoming active participants in their own learning. However, we should remember as teachers, how important it is to differentiate the levels of support and providing guidance adjusted to the needs of every child. Dalton teacher is so much more than only a gardener, they are inspirators and artists of education. Dalton education is based on a strong belief that whenever children are given responsibility for their learning they instinctively search for the best way to achieve it.
In the photo, teachers in Shenzhen are creating their own vision on independent learning on the basis of twenty agreements developed by Roel Röhner, President of Dalton International. The school is guided regularly by Dr. Agata Sowinska.
April 24. 2021
April 21. 2021
The 12th Wenzhou Primary School Spot Meeting on Curriculum Reform was held in Wenzhou Dalton Elementary School on Tuesday the 20th April, 2021. Curriculum reform is always a challenge and research project to all Wenzhou educators. In the meeting, Wenzhou Dalton Elementary School demonstrated the localized implementation of Dalton Plan. The study labs, assignments, contracts and independent learning enlightened all participants so that they obtained and developed more thoughts on teaching and Dalton Education. Mr.Roel Röhner, the president of Dalton International took part in the meeting online and gave an inspiring speech in the opening ceremony.
April 17. 2021
April 14. 2021
Conference “Curriculum Reform”
organized by
‘Wenzhou Dalton Elementary School’
date: Tuesday 20th April 2021
April 13. 2021
Unfortunately, it is not possible to guide the International Dalton Schools live. However, we are guiding some International Dalton Schools online. During the seminars, teachers have the opportunity to develop their Dalton vision both in theory and practice. Teachers are becoming familiarized with thorough understanding of the development of the child and practical implications of the Dalton Plan.
April 7. 2021
March 30. 2021
Today Dalton International is celebrating the 20th Anniversary.
It started even more than 20 years ago with the official city link between Utrecht and Brno. Directors of schools from both cities found each other in one goal: discovering how Dalton education was executed in the world and how we could benefit from the relation with each other, creating a new Dalton network.
It is impossible to catch the complete history in pictures, we have to reduce it to some highlights. Of course our visits in 1999 to ‘The Dalton School’ in New York and in 2000 to ‘Ascham’ in Sydney must be mentioned, because these were our first official international Dalton contacts.
Many activities followed, introduction seminars in some countries had as a result that we were asked to support in founding Dalton Associations in Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland.
The latest activities take place in China and Turkey, where we are intensively working on implementing the mission and vision of Helen Parkhurst, both in theory and practice.
March 25. 2021
Practical and organizational session for ‘Wenzhou Dalton Elementary School’.
During an online seminar we spoke about practice and the organization process in ‘Wenzhou Dalton Elementary School’. During the second part of the session we have presented practical, authorial materials from the teacher´s ‘Dalton handbook’. The content of this session concerned the ways of providing an environment that serves the particular needs of each child´s stage development. Through the implementation of the holistic approach of Helen Parkhurst , we help teachers in practical implementation of Dalton education at each stage of child´s development in order to shape their moral, emotional, behavioral and intellectual growth.
March 22. 2021
The visit of Sophie Pan and Marcy Yu in ‘Shenzhen Dalton Xinhua School’ 21-24 of March 2021.
The visit was conducted by these two teachers from ‘Wenzhou Dalton Elementary School’. The aim of the visit was to stimulate cooperation between two schools, as well as exchange ideas and sharing Dalton experience. The schools belong to the chain of International Dalton Schools in China. We are proud to inititiate a contact between all International Dalton Schools worldwide.
March 17. 2021
During the International Dalton Day an online lecture was organized by ‘Wenzhou Dalton Elementary School’.
Dr. Agata Sowinska gave a lecture on Universality and Timelessness of Dalton education.
March 17. 2021
The Dutch tradition to celebrate March 17. every year as ‘DALTON DAY’ was taken over by Dalton International.
March 8. 2021
February 22. 2021
Today we had a webinar with the ‘DALTON COLLEGE’ in Izmir/Turkey. We could meet the group of new teachers and spoke about several aspects of being a new teacher is a school which is already some time in the Dalton progress.
February 11. 2021
January 29. 2021
Mrs. Bai, Director of the ‘Wezhou Dalton Elementary School’ is giving a speech to motivate the team of teachers in their process to grow to a high level Dalton teacher.
January 27. 2021
How inspiring that in this difficult period we can be in constant contact with International Dalton Schools worldwide. Today we had a chance to inspire each other during the lecture of Dr. Agata Sowinska on ‘Mission and Vision of a contemporary International Dalton School’. After the lecture we had an opportunity to discuss such issues as: how to raise a fearless child, why is it important to be a fearless teacher, how to enlarge intrinsic motivation? After the discussion teachers have reflected on what they worked in this semester and they could set the goals for their work for the next semester. Below the short reportage from the meeting with the Shenzhen Dalton Xinhua School in China.
January 25. 2021
We have regular webinar contacts with our Members of Dalton International to continue the Dalton implementation process. But we hope to be back in these schools in autumn 2021.
January 3. 2021
Jürgen Peters resigns as President of Dalton Österreich
It is already nany years ago. Together with our Czech colleagues we visited the first Dalton school in Austria. Brno is not so far from Vienna. The “Europaschule”, with Director Jürgen Peters was often our target to visit with several delegations from Holland and other countries. Jürgen was the Director and Dalton inspirator in the school.
It isn’t surprising that when he entered the period being pensioned many of his colleagues remained his close friends. And I can proudly say that I am one of them.
Together we spoke about the possibility of founding the official Dalton association for Austria. I convinced Jürgen that he was the best person to be the President of “Dalton Austria”. In the meantime Dalton Austria has an impressive history and actual activities.
At the end of this year Jürgen Peters is ending his task as President of Dalton Austria. Simone Reichenberger, the director of the Dalton school “Sternschule” in Deutschlandsberg, will take over the task as President of Dalton Austria.
This is the moment to speak out our gratitude for everything Jürgen did for the Dalton development in Austria, but also for many initiatives and his enthusiastic support of Dalton International, including many wise advices for me personally.
It is a great pleasure to announce that the board of Dalton International decided to give Jürgen Peters the position “Member of Honor”.
During the next personal meeting it will be my pleasure to hand over this certificate.
Roel Röhner
December 16. 2020
In the latest issue of the Magazine of the Dutch Dalton Association an article about the first ‘Post Graduate Dalton Studies’ , organized at the ‘Adam Mickiewicz-University Poznan’.
By Malgorzata Kostecka, Agnieszka Łupkowska, Dorota Michalak, Ewa Semmler, Agata Wojdak.
Year 2020 marks the end of a very interesting joint initiative of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Dalton International and Polish Dalton Association. The Postgraduate Dalton Studies (PDS) lasted for one and a half years and were packed with classes taught by experts and enthusiasts of the Dalton Plan (DP). Our group consisted of teachers working with young students aged 6-9, kindergarten teachers and even kindergarten principals. Thus we have started our studies with different entry levels (longer or shorter work experience, employed in private or state schools) and even more important, with different levels of knowledge concerning the DP. What brought us to these studies was our active search for alternatives of the traditional education model. PDS gave us the necessary conceptual background and allowed us to get a more systematic approach to our (up to this point) intuitive educational ideas and endeavors.
Thanks to the PDS we have experienced a strong positive reinforcement of our attitudes and ideas about education. Now we know how important it is to be aware of your goals and how to reach them via various ways, how important it is to accept different needs and individual aspects of education, open communication, positive relations and the impact of the teacher herself. However, what is crucial, we have learned how important it is to experience the freedom of the educational process. Majority of us are not employed in Dalton facilities (in Poland the DP is at its early stages) but we try to enrich our teachers repertoire with the Dalton Plan elements and techniques. That is why it was so important for us to meet and cooperate with other PDS students – teachers who are searching for new ways and solutions in education as we do.
It is thanks to the DP that our teaching techniques evolved and changed. Focusing on goals resulted in more thoughtful choice of tasks for pupils. We have also changed our evaluation methods. Evaluation is now more thoughtful and takes the learning process into account. Now we are certain that teaching self-reliance, responsibility, self-reflection does not disturb reaching of curriculum goals. It is exactly the opposite, due to these qualities the educational process is more fluent and less stressful for a child (despite its variety more among group members). We also observe that the quality of tasks which require cooperation has improved. Implementation of the DP brought positive effects not only for our pupils (who are more supportive to each other and more aware of their own abilities) but also for teachers and parents. We notice that relationships have improved – parents who were reluctant at first now are the integral part of a team. Due to the more in-depth feedback about their children progress, parents are more active and give more trust to teachers’ initiatives. We can say the same with respect to other teachers (however, to smaller extent). When we think about teachers who are open to the DP ideas we observe trust, cooperation and open attitude.
Apart from these positive outcomes we have to admit that we still encounter some obstacles – strong competitive attitudes and educational ideas build around too much focus put on errors. We may say that teachers are still very attached to certain traditions and well established solutions. They are reluctant when it comes to change and they fear negative opinions (which is partially the result of a control oriented culture). To our surprise sometimes a specific reading of certain safety regulations may be also an obstacle for the DP implementation. What is reinforcing is that we observe and experience changes. More and more teachers feel the need to change the traditional school and they undertake positive educational enterprises and initiatives. The DP ideas fit perfectly into this picture of Polish teachers actively searching for a positive change. These ideas offer a teacher-student relation relying on a trust, more freedom and work satisfaction without enforcing any particular out-of-the box solutions or restrictions on certain educational techniques.
December 2. 2020
The latest issue,Number 8-9 2020
As always three parts in the Magazine :
1. Articles and Polemics – 2. Practical articles about Dalton education – 3. Events and information
November 19. 2020
International online Dalton Conference
We are very proud and grateful that so many foreign International Dalton Schools participated in the International online Dalton Conference on November 13 and 14, organized by the Polish Dalton Association, the Adam Mickewicz University in Poznan and Dalton International.
October 19. 2020
The Dalton Association in Austria organized a
‘Diplomlehrgang für DaltonplanPädagogik”.
The course deals with the following contents:
The Dalton Plan in the Context of Reform Pedagogic
Didactics and methodology of the Dalton Plan
Teaching organization of the Dalton Plan
How do I become a Dalton teacher?
Educational trip if possible, conversation lessons, paths to Dalton School (certification criteria)
Implementation models and implementation attempts
Reflection, thesis, Diploma Award Ceremonie
The group of students with their lecturers: Anna Maria Rapp, Simone Reichenberger and President of ‘Dalton Österreich’, Jürgen Peters
More Info:
The new group of 2020 / 2021 for this Postgraduate Dalton Studies
October 12. 2020
October 07. 2020
International online Dalton Conference
September 10. 2020
We wish all International Dalton Schools in China a happy ‘Teachers Day’
Below the photos from the ceremony in ‘Wenzhou Elementary Dalron School’. The school commemorates today Shu Xin-Sheng and his research and input in the Dalton Plan in China.
August 18. 2020
The first edition of Postgradute Dalton Studies is coming to an end. The studies takes place at University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznan and they were commenced in association with Polish Dalton Association and Dalton International. During two and a half years of Dalton Studies there was created a project, based on a constructivist theory containing both theory and practice. Terms such as „authentic learning” is commonly represented as constructivist, which is learning through hands-on and relevant practice with realistic scenario. The project is a proposal of weekly classes for 6-7-year-old children. The title of the project is `Is the food growing in the supermarket?’. Authors of the project: Małgorzata Kostecka, Agnieszka Łupkowska, Dorota Michalak, Ewa Semmler and Agata Wojdak are teachers from Polish Dalton schools and students of Adama Mickiewicz University. The general goals are as follows: expanding the dictionary of terms related to food, shaping the attitude of a conscious consumer, shaping awareness of the origin of agri-food products, developing respect for work, creating conditions for cooperation as well as independent action and responsibility for them. The project helps to shape the child as naturally eager for knowledge and capable of initiating learning in a supportive, thoughtfully prepared learning environment. It attempts to develop children physically, socially, emotionaly and cognitevely.
The project will be introduced to all Dalton International schools worldwide.
In the photo from the left: Agnieszka Lupkowska, Agata Wojdak, Dorota Michalak, Ewa Semmler, Malgorzata Kostecka
August 17. 2020
More information about this international on-line conference in September.
July 2020
May 29. 2020
Wenzhou Dalton Elementary School
On 24th of May teachers from Wenzhou Dalton elementary school participated in a webinar `Reflective teaching techniques during during corona crisis`. During the webinar teachers were familiarized with Dalton approach that is respectful for children and grounded in the atmosphere of free choice. The webinar also discussed elements influencing well being of a pupil, the dynamics of emotional burden. Moreover, there were presented practical ways to deal with pandemic situation such as assignments in which children could describe their emotions and experiences related to the pandemic time. Below the photos of children working with assignemnts designed by International Dalton Consultants realizing by Mental Health expert from Wenzhou Dalton Elementary School.
May 27. 2020
The latest issue of the Polish Dalton Magazine
This is already the 6th edition of the magazine which is produced in cooperation with the Polish Dalton Association, Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan and Dalton International. In this issue several scientific articles about motivation were introduced.
The Chinese ‘Wenzhou Dalton Elementary School’ and the ‘Dalton College’ from Izmir/Turkey wrote a reportage about their Dalton development. Both schools are Member of Dalton International.
Articles and polemics
1. The educational environment as the source of motivation for learning. Selected aspects of self-determination concept by E. L. Deci and R.M. Ryan. Renata Michalak
2. Formative assessment supporting children’s learning. Renata Michalak, Elzbieta Misiorna
3. How does independence build a child’s intrinsic motivation? Agata Sowinska
4. Key competences- how to develop them in kindergarten?. Barbara Grzegorczyk
5. “Dalton” is something more than using ready-made materials. Roel Röhner
Practical solutions in Dalton education
1. What can be found in a children’s suitcase? About building students’ self-esteem. Joanna Nowicka
2. How to motivate not to go crazy with boredom… that is, about the consumption of chocolate, a dagger in the student’s hand and possible blotches in notebooks. Joanna Zembron.
3. How to motivate students to learn and make them love school. About motivation in education. Joanna Hofman
4. Learn to understand yourself and others. Agnieszka Wawrzyniak
5. Storyline scenario: “Where are my treasures? Gardener’s trouble.” Joanna Stepniak, Katarzyna Filipiak, Justyna Piaszczyk, Patrycja Plaszcyk, Paulina Zielinska, Marta Wisniewska
Dalton schools in the country and around the world
1. The motivated, that is, about the development of Dalton education in the Municipal Kindergarten No. 7 in Czestochów. Agnieszka Wawrzyniak
2. Few words about the school’s mission….Sarah Louise Money, Dalton College in Izmir
3. Small children, big dreams- Wenzhou Dalton Elementary School, Sophie Pan
Events and information
1. Echoes of the International Dalton Scientific and Methodical Conference “Student Motivation’s as a measure of The Effectiveness of the Dalton Plan”, Czestochowa 2019, Katarzyna Malek
2. About authors
3. Subscription
Online speech for ‘Wenzhou Dalton Elementary School’.
Because we couldn’t visit China last week to work with the team of teachers from the school, I gave a speech for the management and team of teachers.
Dr. Agata Sowinska has online seminars every two weeks with the Dalton coordinators of the school to give impulses for the implementation of Dalton elements.
May 16. 2020
Webinars for the Post graduate Dalton Studies in Poznan.
Instead of giving our workshops in Poznan, we frequently have online Webinars with the students.
May 8. 2020
Online contact with Shenzhen Dalton Elementary School.
The speech of President Roel Röhner will be used during the Webinars for new parents. The school building prepared for the Corona period.
April 30. 2020
We are very pleased to welcome two new Members of Dalton International.
April 18. 2020
‘Wenzhou Dalton Elementary School’ is attending the regular training of the team of teachers.
The digital platform built in the school together with Dalton international is a tool to exchange expertise and develop the school´s own vision on responsibility, freedom, independency, and cooperation.
The first webinars focused mainly on tailoring the program of each student to match student´s interests and abilities, promoting independence and enhancing student´s social skills along with sense of responsibility towards the others. During the course teachers are studying Dalton philosophy, child development and psychology in the comfort of their homes with interactive online components that include videos, texts, forums where they can chat with mentors and each other.
The specially adjusted program for the school will be realized for three academic years, the process is coordinated by Executive director of Dalton international, Dr. Agata Sowinska. Next courses start date is April 29. 2020. The school is currently following a process of becoming ‘International Dalton School’.
The board of Dalton International visited ‘Wenzhou Dalton Xinhua School’ in November 2019
April 2. 2020
November 22. 2019
Visit to Dalton the schools ‘De Achtbaan’ in Amersfoort and
‘Lorentzschool’ in Hilversum.
Both schools are ‘Member of Dalton International’.
November 21. 2019
Visit to ‘Stedelijk Dalton College’ in Alkmaar
Paul Oudejans was our host again during the visit of the delegations from Dalton schools in, Shenzhen, Wenzhou and Izmir.
November 18. 2019
Impression of the Polish Dalton conference in Czestochowa.
November 15. 2019
November 5. 2019
First visit of the board of Dalton International to the “Wenzhou Dalton Elementary School”
November 1. 2019
The office of the Chinese Department of Dalton International was opened in Shenzhen Dalton Xinhua School.
Dalton training with the team of teachers, classroom observations and a Haloween Party.
October 21. 2019
October 3. 2019
First training seminars in the DALTON COLLEGE in Izmir with the enthousiastic team of teachers was a success.
Our team of International Dalton Consultants will continue with the second training in March 2020.
Together with the management team of the school.
September 26. 2019
Delegation from ‘Wenzhou Dalton Elementary School’ was visiting ‘Shenzhen Dalton Xinhua School’.
On 26 September 2019, led by Ms. Bai Lili, the principal of Dalton Elementary School, a group of teachers from Dalton Elementary school visited Shenzhen Dalton Xinhua School. This is the first Dalton school in China officially recognized by Dalton International. Before this visit, teachers from Dalton Elementary School had visited some Dalton Schools in the United States and the Dalton International in the Netherlands.
Ms Bai Lili and Mr Mei, the principal from Shenzhen Dalton Xinhua School exchanged their insights into educational ideals, emphasizing the importance of practice of Dalton philosophy in schools to create a learning community and make Dalton “a way of living” as Mr. Röhner, the president of Dalton International put it.
Ms. Bai was impressed with the achievements Shenzhen Dalton Xinhua School had made since its founding three years ago. Driven by the same educational vision, both schools seek to find “a way of living” suitable for every child.
Ms. Bai was impressed with the achievements Shenzhen Dalton Xinhua School had made since its founding three years ago. Driven by the same educational vision, both schools seek to find “a way of living” suitable for every child.
Ms. Bai and teachers from Dalton Elementary School visited Shenzhen Dalton Xinhua School, observed lessons and communicated with the teachers and students there. They were delighted to witness how the two Dalton core values —“freedom and cooperation” had been put into practice here. The students are free to choose their assignments that suit their needs and accomplish their work based on spirit of contract through cooperation. They were directed to find the problems in their own learning, seek help from teachers and solve the problems. Summarization as well as reflection are organized to train the students to become better learners.
In Shenzhen Dalton Xinhua School, students of different levels are put in mixed classes where they learn and live like a family. There is a Chinese and a foreign homeroom teacher responsible for daily management of each class. Guided under the core values of freedom and responsibility, students at Dalton Xinhua School dine together, learn together and participate in all kinds of school activities together, and most importantly live and grow together in this warm, loving and harmonious community.
With Dalton Plan as guiding principles, Wenzhou Dalton Elementary School and Shenzhen Dalton Xinhua will work together to explore a way of living that meets children’s need and contributes to their growth.
(From the site of Wenzhou Dalton Elementary School)
September 14. 2019
September 12. 2019
August 2019
July 1. 2019
June 17. 2019
International Dalton Conference in Mühlhausen – Germany
On 14, 15 and 16 June 2019 an international group of colleagues from 7 different countries took part in this conference which was organized by the German Department of Dalton International.
President Claudia Zanker and her team of teachers decorated not only the school building, but organized a three day’s program for all the guests.
Landesrat Harald Zanker supported the activities and that was the reason that not only the educational aspects of the conference were interesting, but also several activities in and round the city of Mühlhausen.
June 1. 2019
“School Strategy and Brand Summit 2019”
Shenzhen Dalton Xinhua School organized a two days conference which was attended by more than 300 principals and educators from all over China.
The principal of the school Alan Mei and 17 other principls gave keynote lectures. The vice-principal Tracy Chen and teachers of the school gave workshops focused on “Laying the campus learning space from the perspective of curriculum”, “Exploration and practice of self-management of mixed-age family”, “Exploration and practice of contractual learning mode”.
The school’s educational philosophy, educational orientation, Dalton practice and campus culture have all been highly praised by the participants of this conference.
May 12. 2019
International Dalton Conference in Germany
April 20. 2019
Dalton in China is growing.
Dalton International has an agreement with ‘Beijing Liyang Zhongji Education & Technology Co.’. Both parties work together to promote Dalton education and school service development.
Liyang Zhongji produced this Dalton magazine as an introduction of the Chinese development.
The ‘Chinese Departement of Dalton International‘ is in charge of organizing the concrete steps in the further cooperation.
April 16. 2019
March 22. 2019
“Shenzhen Dalton Xinhua School” published on their website some events which took place during the stay of Roel Röhner and Dr. Agata Sowińska.
March 20. 2019
Today in Europe “DALTON DAY” is celebrated.
Last week we celebrated with the complete staff of ‘Shenzhen Dalton Xinhua School’ the fact that we could certify a new group of 10 official Dalton Teachers.
March 10. 2019
14 TILL 16 JUNE 2019
March 5. 2019
It is a valuable tradition in the Netherlands. The doors in all Dalton Schools are open for everyone who would like to observe the daily praxis.
In many countries this initiative is followed and together we create every 3d Wednesday in March the “INTERNATIONAL DALTON DAY”.
February 6. 2019
We congratulate ‘The Dalton School’ in New York with their jubilee.
‘The Dalton School’ in New York is celebrating that the school was founded 100 years ago.
January 10. 2019
Today we certified the Dalton Primary ‘LORENTZ SCHOOL’ in Hilversum – the Netherlands as ‘Member of Dalton International’. The school is a sublime Dalton school in a monumental school building.
The “Lorentz School”, built in 1930 in expressionist style to the design of municipality-architect W.M. Dudok.
January 8. 2019
November 27. 2018
Dalton International started the ‘Chinese Department of Dalton International’ with the seat in ‘Shenzhen Dalton Xinhua School’
November 24. 2018
November 19. 2018
Agata Sowińska and Roel Röhner visited the “Staatliche Dalton Grundschule” in Unstruttal /Germany. A very strong Dalton school housed in two lovely buildings. The team of teachers followed two short workshops, given by the International Dalton Consultants.
November 19. 2018
Dalton International founded the ‘German Department of Dalton International’. Together with the ‘Unstrut-Hainich Kreis’ the International Dalton Conference 2019 will be organized.
November 12. 2018
After the International Dalton Conference in Koszalin the foreign guests and the team of organizers enjoyed the dinner offered by the Polish Dalton Association.
November 12, 2018
Workshop ‘Let’s Daltonize English’ given by Agata Sowinska at Przedszkole nr 34 in Koszalin / Poland.
During the Polish conference the second issue of the Polish Dalton Magazine came out.
November 12. 2018
International Dalton Conference organized by the Polish Dalton Association in cooperation with Dalton International. Speeches and presentations by Professor Renata Michalak, the delegation from ‘Shenzhen Dalton Xinhua School’, Paul Bruijn – vice president D.I. and Roel Röhner – president D.I.
A certification ceremony is the traditional highlight at the end of the conference. Several new Dalton schools and Kindergarten got their official Dalton Certificate.
November 7. 2018
Delegation from the ‘Shenzhen Dalton Xinhua School’ at the International Dalton Congress
organized by the Dutch Dalton Association in cooperation with Dalton International.
November 7. 2018
November 9. 2018
The Austrian and Polish Dalton delegations which The delegation from Shenzhen Dalton Xinhua School
participated in the International Dalton conference visited Daltonschool de Globetrotter in Rotterdam.
in Deventer/NL/
November 6. 2018
The delegation from Schenzhen Dalton Xinhua School arrived in the Netherlands to participate in the International Dalton Conference in Deventer tomorrow. A short visit to Utrecht was the first activity.
November 1. 2018
October 31. 2018
October 24. 2018
International Dalton Congress at Hogeschool Saxion in Deventer – the Netherlands
October 24, 2018
Prize for Dalton Kindergarten in Warsaw
October 22. 2018
Training Dalton consultants Poland
On Saturday 21 October 2018 ‘Dalton Polskie Stowarzyszenie’ organized a training for the official Polish Dalton Consultants. One of them, Agata Juljanská, presented her ideas about an advanced way of Dalton organization in the classroom.